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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

How to take care of yourself when you have knee pain

How to take care of yourself when you have knee pain Get Moving Exercise and physical activity can play a major role in managing pain. Low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, or light yoga can help strengthen your muscles while enabling you to build flexibility. Be

Knee pain: How many causes are there? It can happen to people

Knee pain: How many causes are there? It can happen to people who are not elderly. Knee pain does not always have to be osteoarthritis. It does not only happen to the elderly. But can happen to people of all ages, whether middle-aged, athletes, or

What should I eat if I’m going to exercise?

What should I eat if I’m going to exercise? Before exercising, you should prepare your body. If you exercise for more than 1 hour, you should eat to have energy for exercising because food will help maintain sufficient sugar levels throughout the exercise period and

Panic Disorder is another disease that has received attention

Panic Disorder is another disease that has received attention in the present era Especially in this era of fast-moving news, panic attacks occur more frequently than mushrooms. But did you know that the symptom. That we like to say, “Don’t panic,” is actually a disease caused

Drooping eyelids Hurry and get treatment before you lose your confidence.

Drooping eyelids Hurry and get treatment before you lose your confidence. One type of eye disease that many people may overlook. That is an eye disease that occurs on the eyelids, such as droopy eyelids, sagging eyelids. Eyelids rolled inward and the eyelids roll outward In some people, the eyelids

Sculptra stimulates collagen. Reduce wrinkles

Sculptra stimulates collagen. Reduce wrinkles. As age increases Collagen production in the skin begins to decrease, resulting in a sagging face. The face frame is not as tight as before. Wrinkles and other problems follow. There are many solutions to help solve these problems. But nowadays there is a new

The importance of sleep

The importance Sleep is important for maintaining a healthy body and mind. And it is a process of restoring and promoting various systems in the body, such as helping to maintain energy levels. control stress Helps the immune system work more efficiently. Good sleep is essential to maintaining

10 tips on how to get quality sleep

10 tips on how to get quality sleep. 1. Set a time limit for going to bed. Setting a regular bedtime and waking up time every day. It will help make the body aware of the time to sleep and wake up at the right time.